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Everything You Should Know About Arthritis!

In a world where health is really an important asset for a person, arthritis emerges as a formidable foe, posing significant threats to a person's well-being. This insidious condition has evolved from mere joint discomfort to a potentially dangerous disease, leaving a long impact on the lives it touches. Join us on a journey with this blog to uncover "Everything You Should Know About Arthritis!" as we navigate through the complexities, implications, and empowerment strategies to help you face this health challenge head-on.

What is Arthritis?

Before understanding any other aspect, everyone should know what Arthritis is. So, Arthritis is a joint-related disease that inflicts damage where bones meet. Joints, pivotal in bodily movement, may wear down naturally with age, leading to Arthritis. Lifelong wear and tear often trigger its onset, affecting many as a common consequence of aging. Additionally, specific arthritis types may result from injuries compromising joint integrity. Understanding these origins helps navigate treatment strategies that range from managing symptoms to addressing underlying causes, emphasizing the importance of preserving joint health for overall well-being.

Considering arthritis treatment in Dubai? Consult with experienced orthopedic specialists to find a tailored approach to managing your condition.

Types of Arthritis

Arthritis presents itself in over 100 different forms, each distinguished by its unique characteristics. Some of the prevalent types include:

  • Osteoarthritis: This arthritis type is pretty common—it's a joint condition that causes pain and stiffness. Over time, the wear and tear on the cartilage make moving around uncomfortable.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: A condition which started from the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, causing inflammation and damage.
  • Gout : Characterized by the formation of sharp uric acid crystals in the joints, gout leads to episodes of intense pain and swelling.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis: This form of arthritis precedently affects joints in the lower back, leading to stiffness and discomfort.
  • Psoriatic arthritis: Found in individuals with psoriasis, this type involves joint inflammation and can affect various parts of the body.
  • Juvenile arthritis: Occurring in children and teenagers under 16, juvenile arthritis encompasses several subtypes, each impacting young individuals differently.

Causes and Risk Factors of Arthritis

Understanding the usual reasons can worry someone and lead to a condition known as arthritis, making it crucial to be aware of these common causes to prevent the disease.

  • Age, with the risk of arthritis increasing as a person gets older.
  • Genetics, as a family history of arthritis can elevate susceptibility.
  • Gender, with certain types of arthritis more prevalent in either men or women.
  • Joint injuries, trauma, or overuse leading to arthritis development.
  • Obesity, as excess weight places added stress on joints, increasing the risk.
  • Infections or illnesses triggering inflammatory arthritis.
  • Occupation involving repetitive joint movements or exposure to joint stress.
  • Autoimmune disorders, where the immune system mistakenly attacks joint tissues.
  • Hormonal changes, with some types of arthritis more common in postmenopausal women.

Symptoms of Arthritis

The most common arthritis symptoms encompass:

  • Persistent joint pain, often characterized by aching or stiffness.
  • Swelling in and around the joints, causing visible or palpable inflammation.
  • Joint pain, especially when you wake up or after being inactive for a while.
  • Reduced range of motion, limiting the ability to move joints freely.
  • Warmth and redness around affected joints due to increased blood flow.
  • Joint deformities or changes in the alignment of fingers or other extremities.
  • Difficulty in performing everyday activities, such as walking or gripping objects.
  • Crepitus or the sensation of grinding or grating within the joint.
  • Systemic symptoms like fever, which may occur in some forms of inflammatory arthritis.

If you wish to steer clear of these initial symptoms, considering a consultation with an orthopedic doctor in Dubai could be a prudent decision for you.

Diagnosis of Arthritis

  • Recognize Joint Pain: Pay attention to persistent joint discomfort, swelling, or stiffness.
  • Observe Morning Stiffness: Note if joint stiffness lasts more than 30 minutes in the morning.
  • Monitor Joint Swelling: Be aware of any visible swelling around the joints.
  • Assess Joint Warmth: Check for warmth or heat around affected joints, indicating inflammation.
  • X-rays and Imaging: Undergo imaging tests to visualize joint damage and assess severity.
  • Blood Tests: Utilize blood tests to identify specific markers indicating inflammation or autoimmune activity.

Treatment Options of Arthritis

Arthritis has no proper cure, but your doctor will find treatments to manage symptoms based on the type and cause of arthritis, as well as the affected joints. Common treatments include:

  • Prescription Corticosteroids: Cortisone shots or prescription anti-inflammatory medicines for more severe symptoms.
  • Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs): Specifically for rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis to modify the course of the disease.
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy: Therapeutic approaches to enhance strength, range of motion, and confidence in movement.
  • Surgical Options: Consider when nonsurgical treatments are ineffective. Two common types include joint fusion and joint replacement.
  • Joint Fusion: Surgical joining of bones, often used for spinal (spinal fusion) or ankle (ankle fusion) joints.
  • Joint Replacement (Arthroplasty): Necessary for severely damaged joints or extensive bone loss.Involves replacing the natural joint with an artificial prosthesis. The common treatment options available are partial or total joint replacement.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Tailored approaches based on the type of arthritis, affected joints, and individual response.
  • Collaborative Decision-Making: Informed discussions with healthcare providers about treatment options. Shared decision-making between patients and healthcare professionals.
  • Long-Term Symptom Management: Emphasis on ongoing management to control symptoms. Regular follow-ups to assess treatment efficacy and make necessary adjustments.

Seize the opportunity to undergo arthritis treatment in Dubai and safeguard your life from the impact of arthritis.

Current Trends in Arthritis Research

Innovations in arthritis research are shaping a hopeful future. Scientists explore personalized treatments, leveraging breakthroughs in genetics. Lifestyle interventions gain prominence, emphasizing exercise and nutrition. Collaborative efforts focus on holistic approaches, merging traditional and modern therapies. Together, these trends pave the way for improved arthritis management, offering relief and optimism. Discover the latest innovations in arthritis treatment in Dubai, providing patients with cutting-edge therapies and personalized care.


In conclusion, understanding arthritis is crucial for better health. From its types to symptoms and management, this blog aimed to demystify the condition. Whether you're affected or supporting someone who is, knowledge is empowerment. Embrace a holistic approach to mitigate its impact, enhancing your quality of life and well-being. Connect with Dr. Dhawal Bakhda, known as the best orthopaedic doctor in Dubai, to discuss personalized arthritis treatment plans, incorporating the latest medical advancements and a patient-centric approach.

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